Monarch Tracking in Laredo, TX

Laredo, TX Community Information

Laredo is located on the north bank of the Rio Grande in South Texas.  Laredo was founded in 1755 as it grew from a village to the capital of the brief Republic of the Rio Grande to the largest inland port on the Mexico-United States border. The city population is about 236,091, making it the tenth-most populous city in the state of Texas.

With Laredo’s adobe houses, church buildings, mission bells, and plazas much of the history has been retained to that feeling of the frontier and influences from Spain and Mexico. The city has a diversified economic base, which includes tourism and a considerable export-import trade. It is the commercial center for an area of irrigated farms and ranches along with a range of manufactures, including bricks, clothing, and electronic components.

This wonderfully diverse city is also one of the areas where Monarch Tracking serves.

Monarch Tracking

Monarch Tracking is a GPS tracking manufacturer that provides internet-based access to live vehicle tracking and asset management. When you know where your vehicles and assets are at all times that allows you to make time and money-saving decisions with a quick glance. We look forward to assisting your company with a solution for your GPS tracking needs.